Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Hands-On History Kits

On the topic of Early American History, I just received a Mac Grant for teaching with hands-on materials in Social Studies. I am using it to purchase two of the Colonial Williamsburg Hands-On History Kits. I also incorporated into the grant enough money to put together a couple of artifact kits of my own. Last year, someone mentioned kits that can be rented and returned which are similar to the artifact kits from Colonial Williamsburg. If anyone has that information, I would be interested in checking those out. A colleague in another district spent a week at the Colonial Williamsburg Teacher Institute last summer and described it as the pinnacle of his career. Does anyone have contacts with that organization? Lastly, I found an interesting site which promotes teaching with Historic Places. I have looked at some of these lessons and they are cool: http://www.nps.gov/history/nr/twhp/preserve_america.HTM


  1. I would love to know more about the Colonial Williamsburg Hands-On History Kits. In my second grade classroom, we are currently working on making comparisons between life today and life in colonial times. I have found many resources, but not a lot in the way of primay sources or artifacts.

  2. I would also love to learn more about the Hands on History Kits. I would also like to learn more about the Colonial Williamsburg learning experience your friend did. Thank you for the website. I love having new things to work with.

  3. Last year we participated in all of the Back to History on-line field trips. The students really enjoyed them. They did a great job making history "come alive" for the students. The role playing was very meaningful. The only problem for our class was trying to actually participate in the field trips as they were aired. Their set up to phone in or email questions was not very efficient. Another good thing about participating was receiving a DVD copy of all the field trips to use in the future! It was a good experience overall.

  4. I am not familiar with the Colonial Williamsburg Hands on History Kits, but I can direct you to the Ohio Historical Society's Case Histories. To view available kits and place a reservation, see .

    I believe Kim is referring to the electronic field trips offered by Colonial Williamsburg.

    It looks like the Teacher Institutes in Early American History are offered in June and July. More information is available here.

  5. Sorry, go here to get to the Case Histories.


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