Thursday, December 3, 2009

Suggestions for group work?

I was wondering if anyone had any good suggestions on how to engage my students a little more in the classroom. I've been wanting to do more group work, but I have a difficult time getting students to be interdependent. I need ideas on how students can have individual accountability while working within a group.


  1. I like to give each student a different job during the group work. It can be hard to think of different jobs for some activities but then you can always make your groups a little smaller. Giving each student a job sometimes makes them feel like they have to do their job or they will let their fellow classmates down. This helps with some accountability. Now you also must not give a student a job just for the sake of giving them a job. They will be able to tell that. For example, if you give a student the job of turning in a paper they may not do anything until the very end when they have to turn it in. So, I try to give jobs that require them to participate in the activity. I hope this gives you a place to start.

  2. Try the History Alive Program. It has great interactive group work and the kids designate who does the work and who is responsible for keeping the group on task. Let me know and I can bring a set for you to look at during one of our classes.


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