Monday, January 11, 2010

Westward Expansion

Westward Expansion/U.S. Growth/Immigration always seems to be my weakest unit year after year (4 years now). I think this has always been the case because of the OAT and the need to rush to get through all of the content in time. No matter how well I've mapped out my year, something stands in the way of me having the necessary amount of time to really get into the unit the way i'd like. With no OAT this year I feel a sigh of relief that I can spend a lot more time on the unit and actually cover everything with a greater detail. There are so many levels to this unit, and I feel like it could be one that is stuffed full of hands on/group activities.

Last year I took all of the resources I had and created an organized unit that covered all of the standards/benchmarks that fall under the catagory of westward growth/immigration. It turned out be very beneficial and did the job, but it was still rushed and not nearly a indepth as i'd have wished. My hope is that some of you history teachers out there have some great resources that you'd happily let me know about so that I can expand my unit. I'm looking for anythng (reference books, teacher books, children books, websites/links and videos) that I could use to add to this unit. This is for a 5th grade unit and we cover: Growth westward following the American Revolution, transportation/communication/inventions/, Ohio Growth (good time to review) and Immigration.

1 comment:

  1. As you may be aware, I am a big proponent of using artwork, along with other primary source material, to teach history. The Smithsonian American Art Museum has excellent education resources. Of particular interest is "Envisioning Manifest Destiny" and "The West as America."


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