Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Veterans Day

I just finished listening to "Coming Home: A History of War Veterans" on BackStory. Through interviews with historians and veterans from various conflicts, the episode focuses on the experiences of soldiers through three centuries of American history. There is also a list of resources from census records to soldier letters available for classroom use.

Please share your thoughts on how you commemorate Veterans Day with your students.

1 comment:

  1. Our school has a big assembly during Veterans Day. Last year in Language Arts the 4th graders put on a readers theater for the school and for guests of the community. The other grades also sing songs that they work on in music class. The students also during the week write an essay about who their hero is and why they are their hero. This opens up for some really good discussion, many of the students have relatives that work at the Air Force Base. This year we also had a speaker who was a Vet that came in and spoke to the students. He talked about how veterans have had to make sacrifices by leaving their family. He then opened his talk up to questions from the students, which was pretty brave. The students asked very appropriate questions. One first grader asked if he was scared when he first started. I really like how they invite community members and parents that are veterans. There is usually a moment where these people are recognized. The students are really excited after the assembly and I am surprised to hear how many of them know someone or have a relative that is defending our country in some way or another.


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