Thursday, April 14, 2011

History Help

Help! Next year I will be teaching American History for the 1st time in a High School Resource Room setting. All the information I gained from this course has been very helpful, just a little too high functioning for my students. I'm sure I will be able to use some of it though, such as the primary sources, with some modifications on other activities. Does anyone teach at the elementary level who can give me some suggestions on teaching this subject (4-5 grade level) or have any neat projects they would be willing to share. Anything would be extremely helpful. Thanks!!

1 comment:

  1. Your students might find visualizations of primary source texts helpful. Use Wordle to create a word cloud of text or Many Eyes to create phrase nets. I created a phrase net using text from the BTH homepage. This is great for showing connections among individuals, groups, and places in text.

    I also like lap books - a file folder folded in thirds. On all sides of the folder students are able to present information in an assortment of ways. Examples include: vocabulary cards, accordion book, flap Q&A, lists, timelines, pictures, graphs, quizzes. Here is a lesson plan created by BTH teachers that includes photos of a lap book.


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