Monday, October 19, 2009

History Fair Connection

First, I'd like to say that I really enjoyed our first class! At this point I am a tad behind, but I am excited to kick off this year's History Fair activities. I am always looking for strategies to help students organize their research. As we did our primary source activity on the mining crisis, I was inspired. I am going to use the theories (history from below, great man, economic, political etc.) to help students organize and research their topic. Students need a variety of primary and secondary resources, as well as differing viewpoints to create widespread and balanced research. I realize each school of thought has its own detailed intricacies, but I think I can provide a short explanation for each one that my 7th graders will understand. Bottom line, I think this activity will help them sort their massive (and often overwhelming) amounts of information!


  1. oops, my it's should be bad.

  2. Having students complete a project such as an exhibit or documentary for a school history fair is a great way to expose them to the process of "doing history." They need to develop theses, gather primary and secondary information, determine which sources best support their theses, and present the findings. Students who participate in a school or class history fair may advance to the regional event of National History Day in Ohio. For more information on History Day, go here.


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