Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I used the Hocking Valley Mine Strike primary source activity that we did in our orientation class for my enrichment class. The kids had some difficulty understanding the definitions for all the different historical perspectives but once they understood their assigned point of view they did a great job. Some of the artwork on the posters was amazing. Being 8th graders they had no background knowledge of the union movement or the violence that usually resulted from strikes. We discussed how the mine owners actually used the company stores and company housing to keep their workers under control. I also brought in a picture of my grandfather who was a coal miner in West Virginia in the 1930s. They were really shocked that companies were able to get away with some of the things they did, especially the attacks on strikers.
Thanks for a great activity.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you found the activity useful in the classroom. It's great that you were able to add in the personal aspect talking about your grandfather.


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