Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Great Speaker

I'm really new at this blogging thing, but here goes nothing. I wanted you to know that I thought that Dr. Rucker was an outstanding speaker. It was quite evident that he is passionate about his chosen field. I thought he was a much better speaker than he is an author. I found his writing to be informative and thought provoking, but very collegial.

Ron Wood


  1. I agree this was a great session. I liked the speaker and his message. I think this body of work needs even more exploration. I do have one comment about the Saly Hemmings discussion. I believe Dr. Rucker commented that Jefferson did free their children and eventually did free Sally, these two sites (among others I have found) disagree. Decide for yourselves.


  2. I absolutely agree with you both that Dr. Rucker kept me mesmerized and writing fervently as he lead us back in time. I had to go back to his book to read more, as I too had struggled some with the essay response. I could have listened to him speak all day!

  3. Dr. Rucker was a terrific speaker. I thought he presented the material in a way that was interesting and engaging. I agree with other posts in that I could have listened to him all day. I think I would enjoy taking one of his classes because he is so engaging and has a passion for the subject matter of African-American history and culture.

  4. This was a memorable class. Dr. Rucker was just the right person to present this subject. His knowledge was so incredible. I agree with everyone else, I could have listened to him all day!


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