Thursday, February 25, 2010

History Day!!!!!!!!

First of all I just want to add my two cents on the outstanding job Mr.Rucker did on his presentation at our last seminar. He was so enthusiastic and knowledgable. It was super.
Today is our History Day competition at Triad Middles School. If your school does not participate in History Day really consider adding it to your schedule. The students really benefit from the experience and you will be amazed at their creativity. We had one young man who moved from Columbus to our school in October. He had been attending a charter school for children with extreme ADHD and was not having a very positive time at school. His reading level is around the 2nd to 3rd grade. He took the instructions and rubrics home, picked a topic, and worked diligently on his exhibit, getting finished 3 days before anyone else. We are presenting him with the Principals Award for outstanding effort. These kinds of results make all the work worth it!

Have a great day!
Amanda Goodwin

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