Friday, May 14, 2010

BTH Reflections

It's been another great year in our Back to History Class! I would like to share my Top Ten moments. 10. That some hunter-gatherers that tried agriculture went back to being hunter-gatherers (actually, this was from last year!) 9. John Glenn's dad was out of a job for 6 years, and his mom was really good at doing more with less. 8. That even into the 1950's, history books taught that slaves needed the security of having masters (Rucker) (how could people be so stupid!) 7. That after a year of trying to get my at-risk kids interested in primary sources, and history in general, the movie "Kitt Kittredge: An American Girl" was the hook that got them! They wrote great responses to: What effects did the Great Depression have on families? 6. "Celebration" means "who knows?" when you are talking about mounds (Lepper). 5. Political cartoons are great. 4. Enslaved women carried out the day-to-day resistance.(Rucker) 3. The Hull House Association is still helping people in Chicago, today. 2. John Parker always carried a gun, and probably owed his life to his dog. 1. My students telling me to "calm down," when I am talking to them about our history. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. I would have to agree with you, this has been a great year of the "Back to History" program. We get to experience history in so many ways and bring it back to our classrooms. I for one have a hard time doing this because of the kind of intervention job I have for one. A second reason is because History and I have not had a good relationship since college but I'm learning to forgive and forget. Rucker was awesome, a real eye opener. I also enjoyed Dr. Shiels. I completely understand why he has received teaching awards, he has a way of captivating an audience. Thank you so much Back to History!


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