Sunday, May 23, 2010

America: The Story of Us

Hey B2H'ers! This obviously is my first time posting. Actually, I have tried a couple of times, but failed.
I would like to blog @ The History Channel's "America, The Story of Us". I dvr'd the first few 2hour episodes with trepidation. I had a feeling it was going to be another boooooring history show, or one that was pure fluff. Boy, was I wrong! I have totally become interested and impressed with this 12 episode series. I think it is very well done! New episodes are presented in 2 hour blocks with repeats shown in one hour increments.

It would seem to appeal to a serious history buff as well as those just casually into history. I hope students would really enjoy it in addition to learning. I believe they will not be bored! Check it out! Also, if your principal registers on the History Channel website...your school can get the whole dvd set for free!

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