Monday, May 24, 2010

Making a Difference Lesson

I found a great lesson plan on the ODE website. It is called "Making a Difference" for second grade for the following benchmark: recognizing that the actions of individuals make a difference and relate the stories of people from diverse backgrounds who have contributed to the heritage of the US. Basically the student chooses someone to research and looks for what that individual has accomplished and his/her leadership qualitites, etc. The plan has several activities students can complete and it includes a rubic for assessment, differentiation ideas, and extension activities. I thought Mandy's lesson [May seminar] using the quotes would also be great with this lesson. I would probably have students give presentations about their person of interest, which could be explorers or inventors, or scientists. Then after all the presentations, the class could do the quote activity and see if they select the right person with the right quotes!

1 comment:

  1. I find the website for the Ohio Department of Education somewhat difficult to navigate. I never knew there were resources like this posted. Thanks for pointing me in this direction. Find more lesson and unit plans on Ohio's Instructional Management System (IMS).


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